Importance of Social Media for Small Businesses in India
Small and Medium Enterprises form a major backbone of the Indian economy in this modern era of globalisation. In today’s ravishingly unscrupulous world, we are more connected than ever. Even from our homes, as we battle the pandemic at large. Several small businesses have begun expanding to the online domains to sell their products and services during this pandemic. And, this has given rise to a conundrum of undertaking marketing fundamentals into the diverse and complicated online space. There are various ways in which an SME can practice marketing online. This includes the use of website optimisation, social media optimisation, email marketing and network marketing systems. Among these and many other options to choose from, an SME must make the right choice for all their specific needs.
According to Hubspot, around 92 per cent of marketing professionals have reported that social media marketing played an important role in their businesses. And, as much as 80 per cent of them claimed that their inbound website traffic increased because of it.
With social media marketing marking a paradigm shift in the landscape of advertising, branding, public relations and outreach, marketers are investing most of their capital and time in such social media marketing campaigns and building a brand for their product on various social media channels.
Social Media also offers a high conversion rate and a relatively low cost of customer acquisition. This is one of the main reasons why social media marketing began to grow in India. It became affordable for small businesses to build a loyal base of customers and consumers.
Social media marketing is the numero uno method of choice for major small businesses across India. This is basically because everyone uses them in today’s world. Be it Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or even LinkedIn, we all tend to use it at least once a day. This is one of the most popular ways in which people consume content and learn new information. For small businesses, capitalising on such social media platforms become a necessity to grow. And, the possibility to grow unfettered is what is most remarkable.